The first major steps have been made regarding the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation adopting Anime Conji from the San Diego Speculative Fiction Society, Inc. Normally on my articles, I would write an article that analyzes the impact of it and how it can affect the convention's future. Seeing that I am on the Board of Directors for the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation, a major party in this discussion, I will refrain from it. This is in my blog for a couple of reasons: It has heavy historical value for the history of both SanSFiS and SPJA I am on the Board of Directors of the SPJA, and thus this is relevant to my position. I am a huge fan of Anime Conji and I want the convention to succeed and prosper Here are the press releases from both organizations, the final contract still needs to be approved: Here is the Press Release from SanSFiS regarding Anime Conji San Diego Speculative Fiction Society, Inc. ("SanSFiS", nonprofit cor...